sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Yogth Sothoth - Abominations Of The Nebulah Mortiis [2008]

Genre: Death Metal


1. Prayer of Doom (Chronicle of the Mad Arab)
2. Lugubrious Crimson Twilight
3. Endless Infernal Darkness
4. Mystic Void
5. Calling the Wrath of Evil
6. Crawling Chaos
7. Abominations of the Nebulah Mortiis
8. Cthulhu Fhtagn…
9. Rites of Destruction (Evil Sorcerers Domain)
10. Incantations in Full Moon

Track 7:

Link de descarga/Download link:
Yogth Sothoth - Abominations Of The Nebulah Mortiis [2008]

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